Writing prompts

I didn’t know what to write about for this blog, so I have decided to write a list of writing prompts to look back on when I don’t know what to write.

  1. If you were to get a tattoo what would it be of and why would you get it.
  2. If you were in charge of the world, what would you do with it.
  3. What would you do if you woke up and were invisible to the world for 24 hours.
  4. If you were to create your own Frankenstein or monster what would it look like and what was the purpose of building it in the first place (it could be a mini story).
  5. What is your favorite thing to do during your favorite season.
  6. What would your ideal pet be and why would you want it/what would you do with it. (Can be completely fictional)
  7. How do you think the zombie apocalypse would start
  8. If you had the power to change three laws what would they be and why would you change them
  9. Who do you think will be the first female president of the United States
  10. Name a pet peeve of yours that your parents do
  11. What is something about yourself that you like and why
  12. If you were to change the school menu what would it be (give an option for each day of the week)
  13. If you were to be a famous person what would you want to be famous for.
  14. Name one object that you can’t live without. It cannot be a living thing it has to be an object.
    should the weekends be longer or shorter and what days shut the weekends take place. explain your answer
  15. If you were stranded on an island with one person who would it be. It does not have to be someone you know

Hopefully in the future this will be helpful to me.

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