7th Grade Memories

I have had a lot of fun memories this school year, but here are three. Starting off strong with the very first day of school, I made three new friends in P.E., which is a really funny memory because when they approached me they thought I was a sixth grader and I also thought they were sixths graders, but It turns out we were all in the same grade. We just never saw each other. This was a very resent memory, but eye bombing the school was really fun. I put mine on a leaf. Some other people put theirs on the grate looking thing on the bathroom door, trees, and on the benches. My third memory of this year is when I got a student of the month award. It was very convenient because I always got to go to the front of the line at lunch. I’ve had a lot of good times this year and I can’t wait for next year! 😆 SEE YA! ✌🏾

20% Project – Week #6🧶

This week is the very last week of my 20% project, and I am very happy with what I have done so far. I’m really proud of myself and what I have accomplished and even before my presentation I’m still gonna try to do more. I’m gonna try to complete another pillow for my presentation in class. This week we have been mostly working on our trifold in class, so I have accomplished decorating it. This week I didn’t really have any struggles because I didn’t need to do any crocheting, but trying to get the glue gun from Jaida was difficult. I am kind of struggling because what am I supposed to say that I am going to pick up on next time because there is no next time. It was really fun to do this project and I’m happy I was able to do it in a fun class, so bye-bye for the last time. Bye-bye. 👋🏾


I agree with the caption. Happiness to one person may look very different to another person. In this image a boy with very little is happy and a boy with a lot is very sad. Although this is probably not what the person who posted this was thinking, when I saw the image was thinking that the boy with a lot of toys probably did not want them. For him to be content he might not need toys but maybe attention or something else. To me his happiness and or satisfaction is not determined by toys. It’s possible that he did not even want the toys. The boy to the right, seems very happy with this one toy. To him playing with his toys might bring him happiness and satisfaction. Although he does not have a lot of toys that does not mean he won’t be happy with his one toy. I know that the person who wrote the caption was not thinking in this way, but I feel that this is a better perspective on their idea because I think it’s very rude to categorize somebody as being selfish or ungrateful because they are not happy with the stuff they have. Just because most people and or kids have a lot of stuff that does not mean every person who has more will be content with the same things. In fact, I think the photo counteracts the caption. If the image was simply not there, the caption would be more meaningful.

Rad Reading – April

For the month of April I read, I Hear You by Michael S. Sorensen. This book is about validation, and how to improve your relationship with others through conversation. in the book, he talks about techniques on how to validate some else’s feelings that make arguments or regular conversations go a lot faster. I learned that a lot of the time in a conversation you’re most likely venting, and or looking for validation. In the book the author gives examples of the four step method that used to validate somebody’s feelings in a conversation. I kind of like this book. It gave a lot of information, but I don’t feel like it’s very interesting. I feel like a lot of adults would like this, and it should be something most people know, but I don’t think the book was very enjoyable to read. I would definitely recommend this to adults. It’s not very entertaining for children. I felt like some other things in this book was ironic because my mother read it and she’s done specific things in a conversation that were mentioned in the book and apparently they’re very invalidating and unhelpful responses so I thought that was funny. There weren’t really any characters in this book so I don’t have a favorite character, but my favorite quote by the author is “ as you’ve no doubt notice, this book is pretty short. I was tempted to add additional(read: unnecessary) chapter stories, and other fluff in an effort to make the book longer, because a longer book looks more in person on the shelf, right? Yeah, a few things bother me more than reading a book. It takes 300 pages to explain something that could’ve been covered in a 50.” I know this is kind of a long quote, but I thought it was necessary for the whole thing. I really liked how he understood that the reader doesn’t need 300 pages worth of stuff that he could’ve told me in two hundred or one hundred fifty. For once, I kind of thought is the author as a real human being. My favorite line in the book was “The road to learning by precept is long, but by example, short and effective -Seneca.” This quote was at the very beginning of a chapter. In the book, he puts clothes at the beginning of each of the chapters, and I really like this one. I liked it because I could relate to a lot because I feel that also learn by example and it’s very hard for me to relate to four follow a general rule.

20% Project – Week 5🧶

This week finished all of the pieces and next week I’m going to sew them all together. this week I struggled with making all the pieces look the same. I had to redo a bunch of the pieces again because they didn’t look identical. I think next time I try to crochet a stuffed animal I am going to look over the video before starting the project. I did think that I would get through sewing part this week but that didn’t happen, so I have to postpone it. I did finish my part this week. All I need to do is stuff it and sew it together. Think I’m also going to try another one if I can, I might be able to finish it before the end of the 20% project. Next week I’m gonna try to sew everything together and get my trifold ready for the presentation. Bye-bye👋🏾😎.

20% Project – Week #4 🧶

This week for my 20% project I set a goal to finish the legs for the elephant. I did succeed with my goal for this week. I didn’t get any work on my pillow but hopefully I’ll be able to get it done on week five. Also, on week five I will be finishing the body of my elephant and hopefully sew it together and finish it. I don’t really have any struggles this week. It went pretty smoothly. I also didn’t have to make any adjustments. I think I’m going to finish everything this weekend. I’m really behind on my pillow so I might work on a different one that takes last time just to wrap it up real quick. I’m running a little behind on my schedule that I planned in the beginning probably because of all the adjustments I made last week and the week before. See you next time👋🏾.

My Favorite Room

My favorite room in my house is my kitchen. I love my kitchen mostly because it has food, but also it’s probably where I spend most of my time. I cook a lot. I don’t cook anything in particular. It’s usually random stuff like fry’s, steak, pasta, etc or just wash fruit and eat it. My kitchen isn’t that big because me and my mom are only two people and don’t need a lot of space. My favorite thing to do in my kitchen is sit on the counter and bother my mother🙂. Above my sink there’s a ledge and a rectangular hole in the wall that looks out at the living room. I like to climb on it and sit down and disturb my mom’s peace.